想同大家講下一個有趣話題,有意到澳洲讀中學的朋友仔就要留意下一個澳洲最流行既運動叫AFL。可能大家對這行運動不熟識, 不過這行運動就如英國的英超, 或美國的NFL咁熱門。如果想容易去融入澳洲文化, 體育運動是最容易融入話題,因為澳洲人是非常熱愛運動, 同埋我亦會建議同學仔去嘗試玩下, 因為咁樣就可以更加去融入佢地澳洲當地文化。

小篇以前都會同澳洲當地人用體育黎大開話題, 以及比當地人知道國際學生唔會指係同返國際學生玩。所以去外國讀書不只是求學識, 係要讓自己跳出comfort zone去了解人地文化及體驗生活。黎緊我地都會多啲post一些關於澳紐生活文化, post比學生家長睇, 去用唔同覺度認識澳紐中學留學“ 歡迎學生家長打電話預約或查詢。

Australian Football League (AFL) is one of the most popular sports in Australia, similar to the English Premier League or the American NFL. It is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and make new friends. Participating in sports is a great way to easily start a conversation with the locals and show interest in their culture.

In addition to academic pursuits, studying abroad also provides an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and experience a new way of life. You can learn about the culture, meet new people, and have new experiences.

If you or your parents are interested in learning more about studying in Australia, feel free to contact us for more information. We will be posting more about life and culture in Australia to give you a better understanding of what it’s like to study there.